

New theory
Name Description Authors Actions
Language and Consciousness Theory John Searle posits that language is essential for consciousness, as it shapes... Show Edit
Consciousness Without Language A theory proposed by Christof Koch that argues consciousness does not depend ... Show Edit
Bicameral Mind Theory Julian Jaynes's theory posits that early humans operated under a non-consciou... Show Edit
Language-Dependent Consciousness John Parrington proposes that human consciousness, particularly self-consciou... Show Edit
Phylogenetic Evolution of Consciousness This theory posits that consciousness has evolved gradually through a series ... Show Edit
Evolutionary Theory of Consciousness A theory proposed by Daniel Dennett that suggests consciousness evolved as a ... Show Edit
Unlimited Associative Learning A theory proposed by Simona Ginsburg and Eva Jablonka that suggests learning ... Show Edit
Phenomenal Worthiness Hypothesis This hypothesis posits that consciousness has intrinsic value, which influenc... Show Edit
Multiple Realizability The view that mental capacities can be instantiated by very different physica... Show Edit
Cellular Basis of Consciousness (CBC) A theory proposed by Arthur Reber that posits consciousness and mind are inhe... Show Edit