

New theory
Name Description Authors Actions
Neuroevolution and Sensory Consciousness Feinberg and Mallatt propose that consciousness originated much earlier in ev... Show Edit
Priority Monism A theory that posits the whole universe as the most fundamental entity, rathe... Show Edit
William James's Selection Theory of Consciousness William James proposed that consciousness plays a crucial role in selecting a... Show Edit
Strong Emergence and Top-Down Causation George Ellis proposes that consciousness arises from strong emergence, where ... Show Edit
Non-Reductive Physicalism A philosophical position that opposes dualistic views of human nature and ass... Show Edit
Nontheoretical Physicalism A metaphysical thesis proposed by Yujin Nagasawa, asserting that while the wo... Show Edit
Abstract Realism A theory proposed by John Sanfey that aims to bridge the mind-matter explanat... Show Edit
Non-reductive Neurophilosophy A methodological approach that emphasizes the systematic connection between t... Show Edit
Orchestrated Objective Reduction (OrchOR) A theory proposed by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff that suggests consciou... Show Edit
Quantum Consciousness Henry Stapp's theory posits that consciousness plays a fundamental role in th... Show Edit