Philosophy of Mind
- Eliminative Materialism
- Functionalism
- Strong Emergence
- Mind-Brain Identity Theory
- Biological Naturalism
- Neurobiological Reduction of Consciousness
- Neurobiological Physicalism
- Mind-Body Problem
- Epistemic View of Physicalism
- Multiple Drafts Model of Consciousness
- Complex Emergent Property Theory
- Physicalist Free Will
- Temporo-Spatial Theory of Consciousness
- Emergent Materialism
- Mindmelding
- Emergent Information Theory
- Mathematical Structures of Consciousness
- Active Inference
- Affect as the Foundational Form of Consciousness
- Embodied Cognition
- Enactivism
- Radical Neurophenomenology
- Extended Mind
- Extended Mind Theory
- Externalism about the Mind
- Structural Realism
- Relational Approach to Consciousness
- Hylomorphism
- Representationalism
- First-order Representationalism
- Higher-Order Theory
- No-Self Model
- Diaphanous Representationalism
- Homuncular Functionalism
- Transparency Theory
- Content Hypothesis
- Chomsky's Critique of the Hard Problem of Consciousness
- Language and Consciousness Theory
- Consciousness Without Language
- Bicameral Mind Theory
- Evolutionary Theory of Consciousness
- Phenomenal Worthiness Hypothesis
- Multiple Realizability
- Neuroevolution and Sensory Consciousness
- Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere (TAME)
- Strong Emergence and Top-Down Causation
- Non-Reductive Physicalism
- Nontheoretical Physicalism
- Abstract Realism
- Orchestrated Objective Reduction (OrchOR)
- Quantum Consciousness
- Implicate Order Theory
- Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory
- Ruliad Theory of Consciousness
- Quantum Mind Theory
- Causal Theory of Views
- Mental Space Theory
- Quantum Brain Dynamics
- Constitutive Panpsychism
- Cosmopsychism
- Qualia Force
- Qualia Space
- Panpsychism
- Panpsychism and Self-Organizing Systems
- Russellian Monism
- Reflexive Monism
- Realistic Monism
- Dual-Aspect Monism
- Dual-Aspect Theory
- First-Person Perspective in Consciousness
- Qualia Formalism
- Ultimate Monism
- Dualism
- Property Dualism
- Substance Dualism
- Composite Dualism
- Aquinas's Account of the Soul
- Neo-Thomistic Dualism
- Interactive Dualism
- Emergent Dualism
- Dualism 2.0
- Christian Materialism
- Islamic Theory of Consciousness
- Dualism of the Soul and Consciousness
- Idealism
- Analytic Idealism
- Conscious Realism
- Consciousness as Fundamental Reality
- Idealism and Consciousness
- Monistic Field Theory of Consciousness
- Perennial Idealism
- Bergson's Non-reductive Consciousness
- Collective Unconscious and Synchronicity
- Non-local Consciousness Theory
- Three-Aspect Model of Consciousness
- Irreducible Mind
- My Big TOE (Theory of Everything)
- Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU)
- Challenge Theories
- New Mysterians
- Mystery of Consciousness
- Possibilianism
- Anti-Reductionism in Consciousness
- Relational Theory of Consciousness
- Consciousness as Fundamental to the Universe