- Biological Naturalism
- Neurobiological Reduction of Consciousness
- Neurobiological Theories of Consciousness
- Neural Darwinism
- Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC)
- Global Workspace Theory
- The Society of Mind
- Attention Schema Theory
- Attended Intermediate Representation Theory
- Complex Emergent Property Theory
- Physicalist Free Will
- Dendritic Integration Theory
- Temporo-Spatial Theory of Consciousness
- Emergent Materialism
- Mindmelding
- Conscious Electromagnetic Information Theory
- Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness
- Conscious Electromagnetic Information (CEMI) Field Theory
- Ephaptic Coupling Theory of Consciousness
- Electromagnetic Wave Theory of Consciousness
- Mindness State of Oscillations
- Light-Speed Telecommunication Theory
- Adaptive Resonance Theory
- Consciousness as a Complex Adaptive System
- Critical Brain Hypothesis
- Holonomic Brain Theory
- Predictive Processing
- Beast Machine Theory
- Active Inference
- Affect as the Foundational Form of Consciousness
- Entropic Brain Hypothesis
- Buzsaki's Theory of Cognition
- Emergent Dynamics Theory
- Sentience and Cognitive Consciousness Theory
- Energetic Processing Theory
- Neurophenomenology
- Radical Neurophenomenology
- Structural Realism
- Recurrent Processing Theory
- Higher-Order Theory of Emotional Consciousness
- Thagard's Theory of Consciousness
- Consciousness Without Language
- Phylogenetic Evolution of Consciousness
- Phenomenal Worthiness Hypothesis
- Neuroevolution and Sensory Consciousness
- Orchestrated Objective Reduction (OrchOR)
- Quantum Neurobiological Theory of Consciousness
- Quantum Brain Dynamics
- Dynamic Organicity Theory
- Integrated Information Theory
- First-Person Perspective in Consciousness
- Consciousness as a State of Matter
- Iain McGilchrist's Idealist Metaphysics
- Syntergic Theory
- Relaxed Beliefs Under Psychedelics (REBUS)
- Mystery of Consciousness
- Anti-Reductionism in Consciousness
- Relational Theory of Consciousness