

New theory
Name Description Authors Actions
Critical Brain Hypothesis The hypothesis suggests that the brain operates optimally near a critical poi... Show Edit
Holonomic Brain Theory A theory proposed by Karl Pribram suggesting that human consciousness arises ... Show Edit
Experience Recorder and Reproducer (ERR) A model proposed by Bob Doyle that suggests the mind functions like an inform... Show Edit
Emergent Information Theory A theory that bridges the mind-body gap by considering biological and technol... Show Edit
Mathematical Structures of Consciousness This theory posits that mathematical structures form the foundations of consc... Show Edit
Homeostatic and Affective Theories Theories that emphasize the role of predictive mechanisms, homeostasis, free-... Show Edit
Predictive Processing A theory that posits the brain functions as a prediction engine, actively sha... Show Edit
Beast Machine Theory Anil Seth's theory posits that conscious experiences are forms of brain-based... Show Edit
Homeostatic Feelings Theory Damasio's theory posits that consciousness arises from homeostatic feelings, ... Show Edit
Active Inference Karl Friston conceptualizes consciousness as a process of active inference, w... Show Edit