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Journal Article Globus, Gordon, 2012. The Interplay of Neuroscience and Philosophy: A Critical Examination. Neuro...
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Book Ginsburg, Simona, Jablonka, Eva, 2022. Picturing the Mind - Consciousness through the Lens of Evo...
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Book Chalmers, D. (2003). The conscious mind: In search of a fundamental theory. Oxford University Press.
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Journal Article Shand, J. (2021). Consciousness: removing the hardness and solving the problem. Rev. Port. Filoso...
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Journal Article Poznanski, R. (2024). The dynamic organicity theory of consciousness: how consciousness arises fr...
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Book Rovelli, C. (2021). The relational aspect of physics. In: Marmodpro, A., Yates, A. (Eds.), The Me...
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Book Dorato, M. (2016). Rovelli’s relational quantum mechanics, monism and quantum becoming. In: Marmo...
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Article Wilson, C. (2023). Brain Scans Are Putting a Major Theory of Consciousness to the Test. New Scien...
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Journal Article Tononi, G. (2014). An information integration theory of consciousness. BMC Neuroscience, 5, 42.
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Book Tononi, G. (2014). Integrated information theory: a theoretical framework for consciousness. In: ...
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